Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sorry Message + Gay/Lesbian

Hello my 999rs. I'm sorry I was gone for a while. I got my pen tablet runnin on my laptop and I was using that. I'm still rusty. 

Anyways, are any of my 999rs gay/bi/lesbian? Don't be shy. You're not different to me. As long as you're nice, we're cool.  

It hurts to hear such consequences of being gay. I heard what they go through. I'm autistic, and I don't get picked on for that reason (it's usually other reasons). 

Some people are even scared to come out because of approval of others. 

Don't worry my 999r... I love you... You're cool with me and don't let anyone, not even yourself, change that. :) 

I gotta go, but my heart is with you guys. You guys are so much fun. :)


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Explanation on "labels..."

Speaking on behalf of mental disabilities:

Hey. May I say that just because I have autism, makes me different? Does it change what I want? And worst of all, why are YOU telling me how to run MY life? 

Autism is nothing but a label to me. I can peel the label off the paper, or start a whole new piece of paper. Your insult doesn't effect me. Nor it should to ADHD, autistic, Aspergers, or any other "mental disability..." It shouldn't bother you in the slightest. 

All you are is confused, my friend and not even God can help your hatred for kids like me... So, I want you to shove those words so far up there until they commence to embed into your brain and see the pain that we go through. 

It's just a thought. Have a good life everyone. 


Tuesday, March 18, 2014


This isn't really inspirational, but if you wanna know the fun side in me, I have a tumblr. It's 

I will keep posting inspiring things here for you, but that blog is for my life or anything else daily. Know me on a lighter side. :)


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Just a Puff Poem

Hello everybody... It's saturday, I'm tired, I'm with my friend... Lets just get over with this...

I wanna show you a poem I made that is NOT real... I'm not very good at poems, so be advised that this poem may suck... I don't care, though. I just wanna get my message across...

All my life
I once was told
"Not to smoke
even when you're old."

I just wanna have fun
one wouldn't hurt.
All my friends sighed,
but one gave a smirk

"You made the right choice," he said
"Come up to my tree...
The hideout that'll show you
all about being free..."

I was depressed and sad
Hung by a rope
Why can't I try
just a little bit of dope?


The bells rang, I jumped
and ran to their yard.
I didn't really care on how close
or how far...

I opened the door
and there were several others
I even saw teens
who're unplanned mothers.

Why are they pregnant?
I can't even tell.
But, I didn't care.
Not even for hell...

They smoke

Just a Puff of weed
the smell of "joy."
I wanted to be a NORMAL
teenage boy

I huffed and puffed,
then let it all out.
And all of the rest
went out of my snout

"That wasn't enough," they said
"Give it an hour"
And they took out a bag
filled with lovely white powder...

I know this is wrong,
and I even glared...
But, I was in the moment.
I didn't care...

I puffed and sniffed
and inserted in my arm.
Whom did I know
that it'll ACTUALLY cause harm...

My eyes went up as
I fell to the floor
I grown through the pain
til I heard no more...

Now just a puff
was now just a tale
Try to be me
and you'll be straight up in jail


That isn't bad, but it's not the best... I'll see you guys some other day...


Thursday, March 13, 2014


Hello. Sorry I wasn't on for a while. I was and am dealing with depression... I wanna date. I wanna be with someone. But, i can't talk about myself all day...

Anyways, do you like the world? There are many places in the world. Where would you choose? Where do you wanna go?

I wanna go to Paris. I'm very romantic, but extremely shy to show it... I'd go to Paris because it looks ever so nice. People maybe creepy, but it's a romantic place. France, overall...

What about you? Japan? China? Vietnam?  USA? Go on. You can decide. 

I gotta go... But, i am gonna, for now on, talk about lives. I made this to inspire people. I wanna talk on why you shouldn't do drugs. More or less illegal drugs... 


Sunday, March 9, 2014

SADNESS in all of us...

Hello my 999rs... I know I'd be talking about places today, but I'm emotional today, so I'll be short today. 

I wanna talk about myself, sorry for being so self-centered, but please relate, if you do. 

My life is a mess up. I asked out people today, and I got rejected. Because I am "weird" or "annoying..." I think on why I was depressed in the first place. My life is hell. FML..

I shouldn't talk like this. I'm just letting my depression out. I haven't been talking that much recently... Haven't. I know my life is hell, but yours shouldn't. Please have a respectful life and don't listen to anyone who chooses to change you..

Imma go, since I'm pretty sad. I'll talk about places some other day. :(


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Friends? Or Enemies

Hello. It's a Saturday!!! Thank god I don't have school. I don't have a problem with it, but the work overwhelmes me. 

I'm also going to a friends house. This ought to be fun. :)

Speaking of friends, do you have friends? It's perfectly fine not to, but make some. It's not easy to, but it'll be fun once you do... Some people may come up to you and ask to be your friend, but you gotta make sure they are your friends. 

Some people maybe posing as friends just to hurt your feelings. Those are bullies. Emphases on BULL!! They aren't friends. They just wanna mess with you and turn on you at the end. 

People who saw my bullying speech, they'd know what a bully is and what a friend is. Don't pick a bully and call them your best friend. 

So, friend or enemy? It's what you want them to be and it's what they wanna be to you. 

Enemy... You can't spell it without my. Do you want the enemy YOUR enemy? Tell an adult, immediately.

Imma cut this short, since I'm on the bus now. The bus can travel to my friends house... Maybe, I can talk about places. Where I wanna go and what you wanna go... There are dangers there, too, so watch out. 


Friday, March 7, 2014


Hello. I've been thinking... I'm more of an online therapist than an inspirer. Lemme change that... Lol.. :P

Anyways, what do you like to do? If you saw my welcome post, the you'd know what I do. If you don't, i am an animator, singer, actor, musician, artist, and game programmer. 

Do you have anything to do in life? Do your activities correspond with the goals you have? Wonderful, if so. If not, that's still ok. 

Goals are hard to maintain. To me, they're like your New Years resolution. You have it for a week, you "fail," (quotes on fail because I mean as forgot or somethin like that) and then you just give up on it. Your goals have to be measurable and realistic. No, you won't be able to start flying without a plane in 3 days. That's not realistic. 

If you know by now by health class, there's long-term and short-term goals. The long-term goals last for more than a month, a year, your whole adolescents... The short-term goals last for anything shorter than a month. 

Man. It's fun making goals. If you don't know, I love a challenge. I really do. It makes me a nerd because of it. I play pokemon not because I'm a fan, cause I'm not, but it's somewhat challenging and your friends and opponents are also hard in the games. Anyways, I like making goals. It's also a self-esteem booster. When I had low self-esteem, I was happy knowing I can accomplish something in life. 

It's not hard making a goal. Make one. Fufill it, then brag to your friends once you're complete. 

Heh. Lol. Jk. Don't brag... Speaking of the friend topic, wanna talk about how to tell between friends and enemies?


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Love? Is it worth it?

Hey. No, I am not out of school, I am just walking to a meeting. I figure now is better than ever to talk about love. 

We ALL know that everyone likes another in the teenage stage. I may know that half of you have that lover liking you back. Even though it is sad, does it REALLY bother you?

I like someone, like a lot and I know she likes me. What sucks about it is that I can't date. Even though I'm 14... My mom says that I'm not mature enough, but I somewhat question if I'm just too young. 

Anyways, you may like someone. If they don't like you, it's not the end of the world. If I can, I'd tell you to just move on, but what I heard from others is that moving on isn't easy. It's actually worse than just easy. It's sad to see people so immobilized that they would still try. 

Would you spend your whole life wondering, or would you move on and get a girl/guy now? 

I'd move on, but last time I did, it took me an entire year. That's the price of it, huh? 

My question is really simple. Is LOVE worth anything to wait? As a guy(not saying all guys want to...), I wanna date and I can't wait, but I have to. I'd get punished for loving someone. Sounds stupid huh? Rules are rules, I guess. 

The whole point is, don't waste your life wondering and waiting. (To me) you have a wonderful life to be waiting. You can just be friends for now, then date when you're able or when the time is right. 

I got to go to my Concert Band class now. Speaking of which, can we talk about activities and goals next? I know I maybe boring, but I really wanna know you better. :)



Good morning! How are you?

I'd like to address bullying to you guys today. 

I wanna tell you how my life was when I had bullying in my life. I'm not posting this to being sorry for, I'm putting it because you are not alone and the WAYS I want you to end it are all here. 

I made a speech about bullying. It still remains and I feel comfortable sharing it all to you, if you have time to read or watch. 

That maybe too much, so here's the speech spoken:

Here's the speech:

"Hi... Can I have a moment of your time please and discuss this big topic we're learning about? I read off my phone, because I have a phobia of public speaking. Many of you know me... Many of you don't. But, I'd like to discuss my life when bullying processed and many things about your lives I bet you don't know I knew. 'Wow...' A lot of knowing. But before I do, I wanna address something... Are you guys gonna listen? Pay attention? Not to feel sorry, but to see what average kids like me are going through? Or are you gonna ignore me? Go to sleep through this? Happy that you get to skip learning just for a bullying assembly you don't give an f*** about?  Or talk to your friends? Casually passing notes or secretly texting in your backpacks? Listening to music on your iPods or iPhones, while looking at me, so it LOOKS like you're listening to me, but you're listening to Eminem? That's why this lesson isn't fixed. Maybe because it's not happening to YOU directly. If you can, for me and Mr.Fluker, shut off all electronics and put anything that'll be distracting away. Lemme explain my life to you guys and please listen in this 3 part lesson I wanna get across. 

1. My Life:
          My life is crucial. Very, very crucial. People in this room may have worse lives than me, and I'm sorry about that, but my life is crucial in the big camera lenses I call my eyes that records every, single freaking moment of it... But hey... I'm not to blame. People bullied me since day one. The minute I got into elementary, no one could handle me. Not even the teachers. I was an outcast. An excuse of being in the schools. Then the grades kicked in. I was a brainiac. Getting straight A's... That's a target. People made fun of me. By being a nerd, being fat, or being gay, the way I talk, the things I do. Even though most things turn up false, all I needed to say was why... Why shall I go through this? I mean. I didn't talk til I was four and I was diagnosed with autism at age three. I couldn't bare to... To even speak in life. The saddest thing is, even THAT got me bullied. 'You shy, you little b****... 'Go to hell,' one said because I was black. 'You're so annoying,' others say. I couldn't help being black and talking is the only way I know how to make friends. 'Watch what you say, for it could be the last thing you say to them...' What a nice quote... It is because it's MY quote. Why did I say that? Yeah. Why did "I" say that? Think about it. Anyways, why? Why did I do this? I was left out. Bullied. Never felt loved, not even by my freaking brother. My own flesh in blood... My parents divorced now, and my brother can't even look me in his camera lenses, or eyes, without calling me a name. Now you know not to judge people who don't even know how to support their own survival... Not to judge someone by who they are labeled, and not how they act, but for who they really are. Personality beats all they, but I bet most people go for looks. No charm. Would you be with an ugly person with a heart of gold, or a beautiful one with a heavy rock instead of a pumping one? Anyways, why do I share this all to you? Just a portion of my life to you? Because I trust you all that you wouldn't do anything to harm me. But, I bet you did. Before. I bet you did talk behind my back. Any questions, comments before I continue? Good. 

2. Similarities:
       Now... I wanna ask you guys something. Who here, and I know Mr.Fluker asked this, has been bullied? The ones who raised their hands, did you tell on an adult? If not, was it because you were shy? Or you thought you had 'rights' to fight back? Guess what? If you fought back, even trash-talking, you're a bully... A bully to your bully. You have every right to question me, but you can't question the truth... You can't question the truth. Between JUST us, who here had a similar life like mine, maybe even worse? I'm glad you're still here. Haven't committed suicide. Congratulations. (Slow clap) Congratulations. Suicide ain't the answer, nor it should ever be. Suicide just causes more pain you really don't wanna put not just yourself, but to others around you into. People who don't even KNOW you would even get affected. I learned that in the mental hospital I was sent to last year... That's why this week is scary for me, because I went there and it ain't pretty. Now society's getting worse. Cursing because it's 'fun,' or using gay, retard, or the n word as slang? Or not even knowing how to spell. Abbreviating every single thing out there. It's be right back, not brb. That's just plain lazy. Like it's everyday speaking. Any questions before I finish the last part?

3. The Lesson:
       You really think all this is our fault? Bullying? Well, you're right. Don't feel left out. We could've done something, but instead, you're on your phones liking things that says stuff inspirational. Oh! I'm too cool for you! You're too fat! You... You have a red purse and we only accept people with burgundy or maroon purses... Is this funny? (If they are: Of course it is. See how pathetic this is?) (If not: Still in silence, I see...). How did I manage? How am I here? I started to love myself. Not caring about any of that bull but my life. Now, I'm all by myself in life. I have friends, but I'm not with them 24/7. I know this is all self-centered, but look at me now... I got my life back. I'm animating on YouTube, reaching my fame. Making games for my family... Partnered with people who animated in (if you know them) Screwattack's Death Battle and accepted in Newgrounds collaborations (if you even know what I'm talking about). Making my own music... If you'd either stop caring what they say, or told on an adult, we would still be alive... But I know we're dead inside. All of us are dead inside. Why? Because people bully and you guys watched, or you had a life like mine or worse. A portion of you is gone from the past because Life it's a movie with a happy ending. Life ain't a Disney movie. You aint getting a Prince Charming like that, or getting a true love with your siblings. This is real life. And I can't have life without 'I' in it. I can't have life without I in it. Thank you for listening."

That was a lot. Well, I'm going to school now, so I have to go. I'd love to talk some more. How about relationships or crushes?


Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Hello everyone. I am Robotrichie999, or Richard Smith. I am just an average autistic teen trying to inspire others who are either bullied or having any mental/physical problems in their life. I have almost no relations to any of you, but if you give me a chance and hear me out for the rest of the time I have with you on here, it'll bring joy within.

I am an animator, game programmer, artist, actor, singer, and musician, and I'm only fourteen.

Now,  I like to get to know you guys. Start off with a hi, or a how is it going? What's your favorite color? Do you like any sports? What I'm trying to say is, I want to be your friend... You're best friend. I also want to help you, if you'd give me a chance to. 

If you are going through something, are you comfortable of telling me?

I got to go, because it's getting late for me. How 'bout we talk tomorrow? I can talk about bullying...
