Monday, June 30, 2014

Sorry/Sibling Rivalry

Hi my R99rs. I am truely sorry that I've been gone. I've been dealing with preparation to present my bullying speech to my entire school. I am truely excited that I finally have a voice to explain my life to my school. Hopefully, you guys will be there with me to support me, because my passion is goin to burst more than ever. If only my brother doesn't ruin it...

If you guys read the speech, you'd know I have a brother. I have 3, but I talked about one. He's mean to me. Not always, no we get along at times, but he's usually mean to me. I feel like some people have brothers and sisters who are mean or that just irritate you and they may not change. I mean, they are doing their job. Siblings are supposed to fight. It's natural. I don't attend to, but I'm sometimes mean to my brother. I don't start it(like I don't walk up to him and call him stupid. That's bullying), but i do fight back at times. I should stop fighting back... Anyways, I feel like this sibling rivalry will patch up. When you two or more are older, you'll be saving each other's lives. It's just an immature phase. It'll pass. Trust me. 

Now, I have summer school, so I'm gonna go. Bye. :)))

Feel free to go to my ask to ask me any questions you have. I may not have lived in it, but I'll try my best to answer the question. No matter what it is. @Robotrichie999


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