Monday, July 21, 2014

Game Maker Game

Hi... Like I said before, I wanted to get to know you all and vise versa. Now, I'd like to start off and say I love making games...

I've said this before, but yes. I love making games.

In my VGD class, we have to make a game and this is what I got so far.

Xavier Link:

Yes, you WILL need GameMaker to play this... For now...

Feel free to download it and give me some constructive criticism.

I know this blog is supposed to be inspirational, and it is... It's just that I have a lot going on and I'll be sure to post everything in the future. Thanks for understanding. :)


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Bullying Speech Revised

I said that there will be an assembly with me talking my speech out. Here is the revised -with added stuff in my life- speech. 

Bullying Speech in Assembly:

"Hi... Can I have a moment of your time please and discuss this big topic we're learning about? I read off my phone, because I have a phobia of public speaking. But first, let me introduce myself. Many of you know me... Many of you don't. Many of you know what all this is going to be about. My full name is Richard Saint James Smith. I am 14 years old, turning 15 on August 23, currently single, and I'm here because I'd like to discuss my life when bullying processed and many things about your lives I bet you don't know I knew. 'Wow...' A lot of knowing. But before I do, I wanna address something... Are you guys gonna listen? Pay attention? Not to feel sorry, but to see what average kids like me are going through? Or are you gonna ignore me? Go to sleep through this? Happy that you get to skip class just for this bullying assembly you don't even care about?  Or talk to your friends? Casually passing notes or secretly texting in your laps? Listening to music on your iPods or iPhones, while looking at me, so it LOOKS like you're listening to me, but you're listening to Eminem? That's why this lesson isn't fixed. Maybe because it's not happening to YOU directly. If you can, for me and all your teachers who I'd love to thank for taking you here, shut off all electronics and put anything that'll be distracting away. Lemme explain this to you guys and please listen in this 3 part lesson I wanna get across. 

1. My Life:
          My life is crucial. Very, very crucial. People in this hall may have worse lives than me, and I'm sorry about that, but my life is crucial in the big camera lenses I call my eyes that records every, single freaking moment of it... But hey... I'm not to blame. People bullied me since day one. The minute I got into elementary, no one could handle me. Not even the teachers. I was an outcast. An excuse of being in the schools. Then the grades kicked in. I was a brainiac. Getting straight A's... That's a target. People made fun of me. By being a nerd, being fat, or being gay, the way I talk, the things I do. Even though most things turn up false, because I'm not fat, nor gay, all I needed to say was why... Why shall I go through this? I mean. I didn't talk til I was four and I was diagnosed with autism at age three. I still show symptoms. I couldn't bare to... To even speak in life. The saddest thing is, even THAT got me bullied. 'Go to hell,' one said because I was black. 'You're so annoying,' others say. I couldn't help being black and talking is the only way I know how to make friends. 'Watch what you say, for it could be the last thing you say to them...' What a nice quote... It is because it's MY quote. Why did I say that? Yeah. Why did "I" say that? Let's just say that I have a strong "relation" to my quote. Like, it reminded of my past. Anyways, why? Why did I do this? I was left out. Bullied. Never felt loved. Not even by my own freaking brother. I mean, My parents divorced now, which is hard on me enough, but my brother can't even look me in their camera lenses, or eyes, without calling me a name. Sure the name is pity, but would you want someone to stop if they repetitively call you some name that is degrading to you? Worse thing is I heard he's using my cry on bullying for popularity. He never heard this once and he's using me for higher reputation. Anyways, now you know not to judge people who don't even know how to support their own survival... Not to judge someone by who they are labeled, and not how they act, but for who they really are. Personality beats all they, but I bet most people go for looks. No charm. Would you be with an ugly person with a heart of gold, or a beautiful one with a heavy rock instead of a pumping one? I mean, I know I'm not the average male, and I admit I act flamboyant (that's why people call me gay), but really? Saying no one is perfect for me? I'm no ones type? No one would love me? I'm sensitive of two things. Suicide and dating, because I had traumatizing pasts involving the two topics. You get why suicide would be, but with dating, me and my ex had switched schools after culmination in 8th and I couldn't see her anymore. That's sad for me, because I really loved her. 8th grade, this was in. I tried to move on, but it's harder than its made to be. Anyways, why do I share this all to you? Just a portion of my life to you, not even the whole thing. Because I trust you all that you wouldn't do anything to harm me. But, I bet you did. Before. I bet you did talk behind my back. I bet rumors were crossed. Pictures of me were slandered. Any questions, comments before I continue? Good. 

2. Similarities:
       Now... I wanna ask you guys something. Who here has ever been bullied? Now, keep your hands up if you told an adult? Hands down. For those who put their hands down, raise it back up if you didn't told because you were shy? Hands down. Now raise it back up if you thought you had 'rights' to fight back (like trash-talk back, shove back, beat them, starting a huge fight that I haven't seen ONE kid stop In this school) Guess what? If you fought back, even trash-talking, you're a bully... A bully to your bully. You have every right to question me, but you can't question the truth... You can't question the truth. Don't fret. I've done the same. I fought back, until I thought what I was doing. I still do it with my brother, but I don't start it. Between JUST us, who here had a similar life like mine, maybe even worse? I'm surprised. Haven't committed or attempted suicide like me. Congratulations. (Slow clap) Congratulations. Suicide ain't the answer, nor it should ever be. Suicide just causes more pain you really don't wanna put not just yourself, but to others around you into. People who don't even KNOW you would even get affected. So is cutting, smoking, drinking, or having sex JUST to escape from reality and to get attention. I get it. You're teens. Wanna try new stuff? Go ahead, but that's not even close to an escape. You're just makin things worse. I would know. I learned that in the mental hospital I was sent to last year... That month of February. The 6th to the 13th is scary for me, because I went there and it ain't pretty. Now society's getting worse. Cursing because it's 'fun,' or using gay, retard, or the n word as slang? Or not even knowing how to spell. Abbreviating every single thing out there. It's be right back, not brb. That's just plain lazy. Like it's everyday speaking. Any questions before I finish the last part?

3. The Lesson:
       You really think all this is our fault? Bullying? Well, you're right. Don't feel left out. We could've done something, but instead, you're on your phones liking things that says stuff inspirational. Oh! I'm too cool for you! You're too fat! You... You have brown eyes! We only like the blue eyed. Is this funny? (If they are: Of course it is. See how pathetic this is?) (If not: Still in silence, I see...). How did I manage? How am I here? I started to love myself. Not caring about any of that bull but my life. You maybe thinking... How? Well, it wasn't easy, but all I needed was a slap in the face. A wake up call. It all was a dream. I mean, hanging myself? That's too extreme for me to do. I cleared my mind of all that and focusEd on stuff worthy. Now, I'm all by myself in life. I have friends, but I'm not with them 24/7. I know this is all self-centered, but look at me now... I got my life back. I'm animating on YouTube, reaching my fame. Making games for my family and for money. Partnered with people who animated in (if you know them) Screwattack's Death Battle and accepted in Newgrounds collaborations (if you even know what I'm talking about). Making my own music... If you'd either stop caring what they say, or told on an adult, we would still be alive... But I know we're dead inside. All of us are dead inside. Why? Because people bully and you guys watched, or you had a life like mine or worse. A portion of you is gone from the past because Life it's a movie with a happy ending. Life ain't a Disney movie. You aint getting a Prince Charming like that, or getting a true love with your siblings. This is real life. And I can't have life without 'I' in it. I can't have life without I in it. So for me, please. Just either get along with one another, or leave each other alone. It'll save a crap load of heartbreak... Start over, like I did."


Hi. I'm nervous... About my bullying speech. Not that I'm gonna be saying it in front of thousands of people, but I'm nervous because I'm giving more ways for people to bully me. I'm opening myself up to some of my bullies at school. Well, I just need to breathe that's all. Think about myself and others at the moment. Build up confidence to tell everyone my social, mental, and love life. 

Speaking of confidence, have you ever been scared? Or shy? I wouldn't blame you. In fact, I'm the shyest person any of my friends would know. Ask anyone who knows me. So, if I'm shy or scared, I'd breathe and risk it. 
Breathe in.........
and out......... 
And whatever happens, happens. 

For example, you like someone and you're shy to ask them out. All you gotta do is breathe and risk it all. Ask them out. If they say yes, you got yourself a partner. I hey say no, look at the bright side. You got the confidence to ask someone out, which not a lot of shy people would do. 

So, confidence takes a while to build, but when you breathe and risk it, trust me. It'll feel so good when you have finally done it. 


P.S.: Oh yeah. I recently got some "sexual" questions appear on my ask account. Now, I don't really mind answering them, but I have a limit. If you can, please refrain from askin me OVER THE TOP sexual questions. Especially because I am a minor... I'm around 15, so please. But don't forget to ask me some questions on my ask. :)